The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
1. Bilbo Baggins is approached by Gandalf to join a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain.
2. Bilbo reluctantly joins Thorin Oakenshield and his company of dwarves.
3. The company encounters trolls, goblins, and wargs during their journey.
4. Bilbo finds the One Ring in Gollum's cave.
5. The group is rescued by eagles and taken to safety.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
1. The company continues their journey to the Lonely Mountain.
2. They encounter Beorn, the skin-changer, and seek his help.
3. The group faces giant spiders and is captured by wood elves.
4. They escape in barrels and reach Lake-town.
5. Bilbo enters the Lonely Mountain and confronts the dragon Smaug.
6. Smaug is enraged and flies to attack Lake-town.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
1. Smaug attacks Lake-town but is killed by Bard the Bowman.
2. The company reclaims the Lonely Mountain and its treasure.
3. Thorin succumbs to dragon-sickness and distrusts his allies.
4. Armies of men, elves, dwarves, orcs, and eagles gather for battle.
5. Thorin overcomes his madness and joins the fight.
6. Thorin, Kili, and Fili are killed in the battle.
7. Bilbo returns to the Shire with a portion of the treasure.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
1. Bilbo Baggins leaves the Shire and gives Frodo the One Ring.
2. Gandalf learns the Ring's true nature and warns Frodo.
3. Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin leave the Shire to escape the Ringwraiths.
4. They are joined by Aragorn (Strider) in Bree.
5. They reach Rivendell, where the Council of Elrond decides the Ring must be destroyed.
6. The Fellowship of the Ring is formed, consisting of Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir.
7. The Fellowship sets out on their journey to Mount Doom.
8. Gandalf falls in Moria battling the Balrog.
9. The Fellowship is broken at Amon Hen; Boromir is killed, Merry and Pippin are captured by orcs, and Frodo and Sam continue their journey alone.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
1. Frodo and Sam are guided by Gollum to Mordor.
2. Merry and Pippin escape the orcs and meet Treebeard, an Ent.
3. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli pursue the orcs and meet the Riders of Rohan.
4. Gandalf returns as Gandalf the White.
5. Rohan prepares for war as Saruman's forces threaten Helm's Deep.
6. The Battle of Helm's Deep takes place, and the forces of Rohan are victorious with the help of Gandalf and the Riders of Rohan.
7. The Ents attack Isengard, flooding it and trapping Saruman.
8. Frodo, Sam, and Gollum reach the outskirts of Mordor and encounter Faramir.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
1. Gandalf and Pippin travel to Minas Tirith to warn of the impending attack.
2. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli take the Paths of the Dead to summon the army of the dead.
3. Sauron's forces attack Minas Tirith in the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
4. The army of the dead helps turn the tide, and the city is saved.
5. Aragorn is revealed as the true king of Gondor.
6. Frodo and Sam are guided by Gollum to Mount Doom.
7. Gollum betrays them, and Frodo is captured by orcs.
8. Sam rescues Frodo, and they continue to Mount Doom.
9. Frodo succumbs to the Ring's power but Gollum bites off his finger, falling into the lava with the Ring.
10. The Ring is destroyed, and Sauron is defeated.
11. Aragorn is crowned king, and peace returns to Middle-earth.
12. Frodo, along with Bilbo, Gandalf, and the Elves, departs for the Undying Lands.
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